The biggest thing on everyone’s minds in Ireland and around the world right now is Covid-19. The Coronavirus crisis has killed hundreds of thousands, incapacitated millions and affected the livelihoods of billions of people.
On March 11 th 2020, the World Health Organisation, declared the worldwide spread of Covid-19, the viral disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus a global pandemic. This unprecedented once in a lifetime mass event is creating huge uncertainty and changing the way we all live, work and socialise.
As a new preventative health technology company, at Wild Atlantic Health we feel it’s our responsibility to empower people with vital health information during this extremely challenging time. We believe in a Functional Medicine approach, one that addresses root causes of health conditions and corrects the mismatch between our bodies and our environment through healthy diet and lifestyle interventions.
According to the chair of the Coronavirus Expert Advisory Group in Ireland Dr Cillian de Gascun up to half the population could have COVID-19 without even realising it. With this new stealth threat, the single question we are getting from family and friends is “What steps can we take right now to protect ourselves and our families” The answer is there’s a tremendous amount we can do to prepare and give people hope against the COVID-19 as well as other viruses. Beyond the basics of hand-washing and social distancing, there are a number of preventative steps people can put in place to mitigate risk and maximise health.
This guide outlines our thinking and recommendations for nutritional and supplemental support based on science, clinical practice and our understanding at this point in time. Nutrition is a crucial factor in strengthening our bodies and allowing us to mount a defence against infections. Decades of research on various nutraceuticals have shown potential for these compounds in reducing viral infections, acting as antimicrobials and modulating immune activity. This guide does not offer medical advice for any given medical condition and is not to be viewed as prescriptive for medical disorders, but as evidence-based recommendations for health support through lifestyle and nutrient selections. Medical advice for any given medical condition should be sought from a suitably qualified medical practitioner.