How Long Does It Take to Recover Vitamin D Deficiency


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Vitamin D is essential for many aspects of human health, including bone and tooth development, immune system strength, and mental health. A lack of vitamin D can cause a variety of symptoms, such as bone pain, fatigue, muscle weakness, and depression. This article will discuss how long it takes to recover from vitamin D deficiency, the signs and symptoms of deficiency, the diagnosis of deficiency, and how to prevent deficiency with a home test.

Key Takeaways

  • Vitamin D is essential for the growth and development of bones and teeth and for strengthening the immune system.
  • Vitamin D can also positively affect mental health, including alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Vitamin D deficiency symptoms include bone pain, muscle weakness, depression, and fatigue.
  • Factors contributing to vitamin D deficiency include a vegan diet, lack of sunlight exposure, liver or kidney issues, and certain medications.

Understanding vitamin d

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient essential for physical and mental health. Diet plays an important role in the amount of vitamin D we consume, as it is most commonly found in animal-based foods.

Sunlight is also key to producing vitamin D, as our body naturally produces the vitamin when exposed to the sun’s rays.

Additionally, there are potential issues related to vitamin D deficiency, such as liver and kidney complications, as well as medications that may impact vitamin D levels.


A vegan diet can put individuals at greater risk of becoming vitamin D deficient, as the vitamin is most commonly found in animal-based foods. Vitamin D is essential for our mental and physical health, and a deficiency can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and bone pain. To reduce the chances of a deficiency, vegans should take the following steps:

  1. Consume mushrooms, fortified cereals, fortified plant-based milk, and other fortified food products.
  2. Take vitamin D supplements as needed.
  3. Spend time outdoors to absorb Vitamin D from the sun.

For those with liver and kidney issues, or those over the age of 70, it is recommended to intake 20mcg of Vitamin D daily. Additionally, certain medications such as laxatives, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and anti-seizure medications can interfere with the body’s ability to process Vitamin D. If any of these conditions or medications are present, it is important to speak to a doctor to address any potential deficiency.

An elderly woman in glasses using laptop on bench

Role of Sunlight in Vitamin D Synthesis

Sunlight plays a key role in synthesising Vitamin D in the body. When exposed to sunlight, ultraviolet B rays from the sun penetrate the skin, which then triggers the production of Vitamin D. This process is called photosynthesis and it is a vital part of obtaining adequate Vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D levels in the body can also be obtained through food sources such as fish, fish oils, egg yolks, and red meat, or through supplements such as fortified cereals, fortified plant-based milks, and mushrooms.

Man in mountain and sun shine

Getting enough sun exposure is important for Vitamin D synthesis as it can help to prevent Vitamin D deficiency. Those who spend most of their time indoors, cover their skin when outdoors, or live in countries with long winter days are more likely to experience Vitamin D deficiency. Those on certain medications, such as laxatives, cholesterol-lowering drugs, steroids, and anti-seizure medications, are also more likely to experience Vitamin D deficiency as these drugs can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb and break down the Vitamin.

It generally takes a few weeks for Vitamin D levels in the body to rise once supplementation begins. However, it is important to follow the treatment plan prescribed by a doctor to ensure adequate Vitamin D levels are achieved. To maintain healthy Vitamin D levels, individuals should also take steps to increase their Vitamin D intake such as eating the right foods and spending time outdoors.

Potential Issues: Liver and Kidney Complications

The human body requires the collaboration of the skin, liver, and kidney to convert Vitamin D into its active form. These organs can be affected by liver or kidney disease, potentially leading to Vitamin D deficiency. When this occurs, the following issues can arise:

  1. Reduced ability to produce Vitamin D
  2. Reduced ability to process Vitamin D
  3. Increased risk of infections and illnesses

These issues can be compounded by age, as the body’s ability to process Vitamin D decreases. Additionally, certain medications, such as laxatives, cholesterol-lowering drugs, steroids, and anti-seizure medications can interfere with the body’s absorption and breakdown of Vitamin D, leading to deficiency.

Individuals need to be aware of the risks and take steps to ensure they are getting enough Vitamin D.

Medications That May Impact Vitamin D Levels

Certain medications can lower Vitamin D levels in the body, potentially leading to deficiency. These medications can affect the body’s ability to absorb and break down Vitamin D. Common medications leading to Vitamin D deficiency are laxatives, cholesterol-lowering drugs, steroids, and anti-seizure medications.

It is important to note that Vitamin D deficiency can also be caused by a lack of sunlight, liver or kidney issues, and a diet low in Vitamin D.

Maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels is essential for optimal physical and mental health. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms may include frequent infections or illnesses, bone and back pain, fatigue, depression, and weight gain.

If a person suspects a Vitamin D deficiency, they should speak to their doctor who can order a blood test to measure Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficiency treatment typically includes supplements and lifestyle changes to increase Vitamin D intake. It usually takes 4-6 weeks for Vitamin D levels to rise once supplements are taken.

How long does it take to recover from vitamin D deficiency?

Supplementation with vitamin D can effectively treat deficiency, with recovery typically taking up to six weeks.

Signs and symptoms of a deficiency include:

  • Frequent illnesses and infections
  • Bone or back pain
  • Fatigue or depression


These symptoms can be caused by a lack of sun exposure due to winter weather, a vegan diet, or medications that interfere with vitamin D absorption.

Diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency can occur through physical examination and blood tests, and treatments involve taking supplements and increasing vitamin D intake from the sun or food sources.

To ensure optimal health, individuals should aim to get the recommended vitamin D levels from natural sources and supplements.

Recognising the signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Identifying characteristic signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is an important step in detecting and managing the deficiency. Common signs and symptoms include frequent infections, bone and back pain, fatigue, depression, and weight gain. In some cases, medications may interfere with the body’s ability to absorb and break down the vitamin.

It is also possible to become vitamin D deficient due to a lack of sunlight, a strict vegan diet, or liver and kidney issues. Diagnosis is typically done through a physical exam and measuring vitamin D levels in the blood.

Treatment typically includes a combination of vitamin D supplements, dietary changes, and increased exposure to sunlight. With the right diagnosis and treatment plan, it is possible to recover from a vitamin D deficiency.

Diagnosing vitamin D deficiency

Diagnosis of a vitamin D deficiency is typically done through a physical examination and the measurement of levels in the blood. To identify a deficiency, there are several steps to follow:

  1. Speak to your doctor about your symptoms.
  2. Your doctor may prescribe vitamin D supplements.
  3. Test your vitamin D levels at home.


These steps are essential in determining if a vitamin D deficiency is present and what treatment may be necessary.

Your doctor may also recommend diet and lifestyle changes to increase your vitamin D levels. 

Preventing vitamin D deficiency with a home test

Measuring vitamin D levels at home can be beneficial in preventing a deficiency. Home testing kits can provide an easy and cost-effective way to monitor vitamin D levels in the body. This allows individuals to take control of their own health, quickly identifying any deficiencies and taking the necessary steps to rectify them. The kits can measure the two forms of vitamin D, D2 and D3, and will return a numerical value indicating the amount of vitamin D in the body.

Vitamin D is essential for our physical and mental health, and levels can drop for a variety of reasons, including lack of sunlight, following a vegan diet, or taking certain medications. Home testing can help identify deficiencies before serious physical or mental health issues develop, allowing individuals to take preventative action. The test is straightforward and requires only a few drops of blood. Results are provided quickly, allowing individuals to take action if needed.

Low vitamin D levels can be addressed with supplements, dietary changes, and more exposure to sunshine. If you suspect you may have a vitamin D deficiency, home testing is a convenient and accurate way to confirm, or refute, your suspicions.

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  • Convenient Home Test: No hassle. Test yourself in the comfort of your home.

Final words

It is important to be aware of the warning signs of a vitamin D deficiency in order to take preventative action. To do this, you can:

  1. Monitor your diet carefully and ensure you get enough vitamin D-rich foods or supplements.
  2. Spend enough sun exposure to absorb natural vitamin D.
  3. Have your vitamin D levels tested regularly with our home test kit.

In most cases, it is possible to recover from a vitamin D deficiency with the right treatment. Depending on the severity of the deficiency, levels can take four to six weeks to return to normal after starting vitamin D supplements. It is essential to continue taking supplements until the deficiency is fully resolved.

vitamin d3

In addition to taking supplements, you should increase your vitamin D levels in other ways, such as by eating the right foods and spending time outdoors. If you have liver or kidney issues or if you are taking certain medications that can interfere with your body’s ability to process vitamin D, you should consult your doctor for further advice.

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