
Let’s dive in and explore these essential elements crucial for our well-being alongside nutrition As pillars of Functional Medicine, we believe that all elements are essential for preventing disease and keeping our amazing bodies in balance, or at least getting us back to balance if we’re a bit out of kilter! Our first pillar is […]
Inflammation, Autoimmunity & Mood Disorders

GUEST BLOG WRITER: EOIN ROE Eoin Roe is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and Chiropractor and the only certified Kharrazian Institute practitioner in Ireland. He specialises in helping people make diet and lifestyle changes to help manage autoimmune conditions, neuroinflammation, gastrointestinal problems and pain syndromes.He works at Roe Health in Skibbereen with his wife Amanda […]
10 Tips to Boost Natural Immunity

All humans are endowed with a natural immune system which is our frontline defence against infection, and cannot be outsourced. It is our most important protection against infections from winter colds and flu. A healthy, balanced immune system protects the body from invading pathogens. Being well prepared can help to prevent us from becoming really […]
Viruses, Vitamin D levels and Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common neurological diseases, is progressive and affects 2.8 million people worldwide. In addition, MS is the most common disabling neurological (affecting the nerves) disease in young adults (20-40 years old). Shockingly more than 9,000 people live with Multiple Sclerosis in Ireland, and it affects women twice as […]
Little known vitamin K2 can boost your life expectancy

Would you be interested to hear that a little known family of molecules, Vitamin K, may be the missing ingredient in your diet? And may decrease your chance of dying from heart disease or osteoporosis, two leading causes of death. It may even help with diabetes, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis and certain cancers.
What serum level of Vitamin D should I aim for?

Looking back to the early 20th century, it became known that vitamin D deficiency, brought about by lack of sunlight, caused rickets in young children. Rickets manifests as weaker bones, malformations and stunted growth, and is very painful. Supplementing with cod liver oil, high in Vitamin D, was therapeutic in correcting this condition. Surprisingly rickets […]