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Why is Vitamin D so important?

Early science understood the calcium homeostasis role of Vitamin D and bone health. However, we now know that vitamin D...

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Prozac Vs Omega 3 for Depression

Startling disclosures from previously hidden sources that Prozac is no more effective than a placebo in treating clinical depression have met with reactions ranging from surprise to despair.However, these revelations are neither new nor surprising.Unconvincing outcomes from earlier trials raised...
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The Expanding Role Of Omega-3 in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease.

While the health benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) omega-3 have been well established for the past three decades, it is only recently, since its appearance as a pharmaceutical agent, that this remarkable fish oil product has received recognition for...
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Why is Vitamin D so important?

Early science understood the calcium homeostasis role of Vitamin D and bone health. However, we now know that vitamin D plays a major biological role in human physiology, cell differentiation, proliferation (1) and immunity. In our new understanding, we realise it...
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How is Vitamin D made?

In the presence of UVB rays from the sun, a precursor, pre-vitamin D is made in the epidermis from a derivative of cholesterol in the skin. This is then made into D3 in the lower layers of the skin. (cholecalciferol)...
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What serum level of Vitamin D should I aim for?

Looking back to the early 20th century, it became known that vitamin D deficiency, brought about by lack of sunlight, caused rickets in young children. Rickets manifests as weaker bones, malformations and stunted growth, and is very painful. Supplementing with...
  • Supplements

Why supplementing with Vitamin D3 has become critical

As a Holistic Health Care practitioner, working with nutrition and lifestyle to create robust health for my clients and me, there are several supplements I would not be without.  Vitamin D3 is right up there near the top of the list. ...
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