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Why is Vitamin D so important?

Early science understood the calcium homeostasis role of Vitamin D and bone health. However, we now know that vitamin D...

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10 Tips to Boost Natural Immunity

All humans are endowed with a natural immune system which is our frontline defence against infection, and cannot be outsourced. It is our most important protection against infections from winter colds and flu.  A healthy, balanced immune system protects the...
  • Nutrition

How and when to take Omega-3

"When should I take Omega-3?" We're often asked this question.You can take a fish oil supplement at anytime, however it’s important to take it alongside a meal. Omega-3s won’t be absorbed as efficiently when taken on an empty stomach.Remember to...
  • Mental Health
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Depression, anxiety and the link to Omega 3

Omega-3 deficiency is widespread. According to the World Health Organisation, 1 in 4 people worldwide will be affected by Mental illness at some point in their lives. There is a link between Omega-3 deficiency and depression and anxiety, yet most...
  • Nutrition

Why Omega-3s are crucial for pregnant moms

A new pregnancy should hopefully be a very happy and joyful time. Expecting a new life is a wonderful experience. However, some young mums may have concerns about how successful their pregnancy is, and how healthy their baby will be....
  • Nutrition
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The real impact of Vitamin D Deficiency

It's that time of the year when we can all feel the seasons are a-changin'. As we slip into September, we know at a latitude of over 35° North, the amount of solar UV light needed to produce Vitamin D...
  • Healthy Ageing
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What are the links between diet and the menopause?

Menopause is simply a pause for some of us in our 40s and 50s. For others, it's a giant full stop!  As our bodies undergo massive changes, our youthful health and well-being can often take a sudden plunge.  However, women’s...
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