Why is Vitamin D so important?

Early science understood the calcium homeostasis role of Vitamin D and bone health. However, we now know that vitamin D plays a major biological role in human physiology, cell differentiation, proliferation (1) and immunity. In our new understanding, we realise it is no longer recommended to have merely sufficient levels of Vitamin D to avoid rickets. […]

What serum level of Vitamin D should I aim for?

Looking back to the early 20th century, it became known that vitamin D deficiency, brought about by lack of sunlight, caused rickets in young children. Rickets manifests as weaker bones, malformations and stunted growth, and is very painful. Supplementing with cod liver oil, high in Vitamin D, was therapeutic in correcting this condition. Surprisingly rickets […]

Why supplementing with Vitamin D3 has become critical

As a Holistic Health Care practitioner, working with nutrition and lifestyle to create robust health for my clients and me, there are several supplements I would not be without.  Vitamin D3 is right up there near the top of the list.  Natural synthesis of Vitamin D3 requires UVB sunshine on the skin.  Ireland, being at 51-55 degrees […]

Food is our Front Line Defence

Food is essentially code for our genes and nutrition is a key factor in strengthening our bodies and allowing us to mount a defence against the virus. Robert Lustig, Professor of Paediatric Endocrinology at the University of California and Chairman of the Institute of Responsible Nutrition said “I’ve recently heard COVID-19 referred to as a […]

Our Miraculous Immune System

  The human body has been created with an extremely efficient, self-organising, immune system that may be either compromised or optimised by the choices we make in lifestyle, dietary habits, and nutritional status.  The world around us has all the foods, nutrients and elements required to thrive. Under conditions of stress, emotional, physical or mental, […]