Does a deficiency of vitamin K play a role in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis can be very painful and debilitating, and a vitamin K deficiency may be making it worse. Maybe your Aunt or someone you know and love has twisted fingers, swollen with inflammation and pain. RA and OA are not fun. By and large, past thinking around the development of osteoarthritis has been […]
How can this small Vitamin K make such a big difference to my heart health?

Several very important proteins require activation by Vitamin K2. One of these, GLA, is vital to bind calcium, remove it from the arteries and carry it to your bones, where it is required to build a healthy bone structure. We know that the build-up of calcium in the arteries is the biggest threat to blood […]
Could this one little vitamin K reduce your chances of premature mortality?

Would you be interested to hear that a little known family of molecules, Vitamin K, maybe the missing ingredient in your diet? And may decrease your chance of dying from heart disease or osteoporosis, two leading causes of death. It may even help with diabetes, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis and certain cancers. (ref) We all […]